Mental Health
Not all people who make a suicide attempt have a psychiatric diagnosis
Suicide is preventable and not inevitable. Despite this, more than 720,000 people die by suicide every year, and there are many more people...
Why More Young People Are Being Hospitalized for Mental Health
The rise was highest among girls aged 11 to 15, whose admissions more than doubled, and in cases of eating disorders, skyrocketed by...
How physical exercise can support trauma treatment
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) consists of three main symptom clusters: (1) re-experiencing the trauma in the present moment, (2) avoidance of reminders...
Updated review of experiences of compulsory treatment builds the case for legal reform to be grounded in lived experiences
Following large scale reviews, new legislation for England and Wales will be debated soon in Westminster, while the Scottish Government is yet to...
The truth about “Mental health culture” |
Research by MQ, Peopleful, and the Workwell Research Centre at Northwest University found that 1 in 5 employees in the UK are at...
The economic cost of OCD in the UK: who pays?
As an Elf Economist, research on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) doesn’t often catch my attention. As the authors of a recent paper in Comprehensive...
My Life Lost to Bipolar Disorder – Bipolar Burble Blog
I have lost many years of life because of bipolar disorder. No, I don’t mean that I have a decreased lifespan because of...
Economic benefits of ADIE treatment for autistic people with anxiety
Thousands of people could potentially benefit from a new treatment to an anxiety disorder which affects 18% of autistic people, were it rolled...
Doctors working in paediatrics and anaesthetics at higher risk of suicidality,...
The recent COVID-19 pandemic exposed the stark reality of some of the challenges faced by individuals working within healthcare, and how being a...
Stop Forcing Platitudes for Mental Illness – Bipolar Burble Blog
I hate platitudes in general, but I especially hate platitudes when they’re applied to mental illness. It’s so condescending when people offer...