Mental Health
Not all people who make a suicide attempt have a psychiatric diagnosis
Suicide is preventable and not inevitable. Despite this, more than 720,000 people die by suicide every year, and there are many more people...
Why More Young People Are Being Hospitalized for Mental Health
The rise was highest among girls aged 11 to 15, whose admissions more than doubled, and in cases of eating disorders, skyrocketed by...
How physical exercise can support trauma treatment
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) consists of three main symptom clusters: (1) re-experiencing the trauma in the present moment, (2) avoidance of reminders...
Updated review of experiences of compulsory treatment builds the case for legal reform to be grounded in lived experiences
Following large scale reviews, new legislation for England and Wales will be debated soon in Westminster, while the Scottish Government is yet to...
Can Eating Disorders Change? | MQ Mental Health Research
Some people might think a mental illness gets diagnosed and then remains one condition for a person’s life. However mental illnesses can shift...
Is Reading Good For Mental Health?
At certain times of year, we might have a bit more time to sit down with a good book. World Book Day (7...
What’s it like to be a mental health researcher in the...
This week it's International Women's Day (8th of March) and this month is Women's History Month. Women are making history in research, some...
Women Working In Mental Health Research
Internationally, 33.3% of researchers are women, which is why at MQ we are incredibly proud to say we fund male and female researchers...
Risk factors for depression relapse while on long-term maintenance antidepressant treatment
Within primary care, people with a history of depression often choose to take maintenance antidepressant medication; the National Institute for Health and Care...
Lost to suicide – remembering a beloved son
John and Susan Wilkes, long term supporters of MQ Mental Health Research, remember their son Nick Wilkes who died by suicide ten years...