The uniqueness and likability of you

If you’re struggling with chronic depression or anxiety, it can take a ton of effort to roll out of bed in the morning. And then it’s on to a day of symptoms, frustration, and self-assault. But through it all, believe it or not, your uniqueness and likability remain intact.

Here’s what I’m suggesting. Make birds-eye view observations of you participating in your activities throughout the day.

Living with emotional and mental health challenges can be the nightmare that never ends. Even on a “good” day it can take creativity and guts to navigate and survive.

That’s a reality the “normal” Joan or Joe could never understand.

The goodness is gone

Understandably, we get all wound up by the plotting, maneuvering, taking of hits, and bandaging of wounds. So much so that we lose the self-appreciation forest for the trees.

And it isn’t long before our perception of uniqueness and likability is burned to the ground.

During the burn, everything becomes our fault. And feelings of dread, anxious avoidance, tics, trembling, obsessions, compulsions – every torturing symptom imaginable – provide proof that we just don’t amount to much.

That’s sad.

An exercise in self-observation

We can’t allow the self-assaults to continue. So in an effort to bring us back to a positive sense of self, here’s a little something to toy around with…

Would you agree that, at base, each of us are self-contained units living our lives by moving about on a variety of sets? Really, if we observed ourselves from the outside that’s what we’d see.

But I don’t think we dare make that observation often enough, if ever. After all, in our minds, who wants to chance a blow-by-blow account of self?

A bird’s-eye view

“Honestly, I don’t look as bad as I thought.”

Okay, imagine looking at a live stream of you being you all day long. I prefer a bird’s-eye view – directly overhead – camera angle.

As a matter of fact, yes, I do it.

How it works

Here’s what I’m suggesting. Make birds-eye view observations of you participating in your activities throughout the day. You can do it in the midst of what you’re up to or review a scene after the fact.

At the end of the day, maybe while you’re lying in bed, roll more footage. Perhaps you’ll want to observe specific scenes.

An outside and objective observer

It’s important that your participation is as an outside and objective observer – without negative judgment. And no editing allowed. For instance, if you bolted as you approached an anxiety-provoking encounter, leave the scene as is.

Remember, this is about observing you as you and coming to appreciate your uniqueness and likability – all in the face of the self-assaults you’ve become accustomed to. And coming upon some acceptance would be a bonus.

By the way, you can’t tell me there wouldn’t be even a portion of a scene in which you were pleased with what you observed – and smiled.

Come on, now.

Uniqueness and likability intact

Life in the emotional and mental health struggles neck of the woods can be unimaginably difficult. And that truth so often results in great harm to body, soul, and self-appreciation.

We can’t let that go unchallenged – ever.

You may think you’re worthless, weak, silly, stupid, filthy, shame-worthy, or whatever. Still, your uniqueness and likability remain intact, if you dare observe.

Never fails…

Hey, why not take a moment and look through the Chipur info and inspiration titles?


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